How do I tryout for MCT?

Currently MCT is not actively recruiting members. If you are interested in joining please join us at our Friday meetings (2 - 5 pm in JFF 236) and email uscmarshallcaseteam@gmail.com. We will notify students via email and Instagram when MCT recruiting begins.

What does MCT look for in applicants?

MCT looks for students with strong analytical abilities, technical skills, problem solving, and teamwork. The most important characteristic however is commitment and dedication to constant improvement and growth.

How many new members does MCT take each semester?

There is no quota on the number of new members that MCT takes each semester. However, we target a total member roster of 40 students.

What are the costs associated with MCT?

All case competition expenses (airfare, hotels, and transportation) are paid for by the university. Students are only liable for personal expenses such as souvenirs, and any meals not arranged by the competition.

Do I have to be in the Marshall School of Business to apply?

While most competitions require a business background, we accept students with all different backgrounds.

What is the time commitment for MCT?

Members are expected to attend mandatory weekly meetings on Fridays from 2-5pm. Once a team is chosen for a competition, there may be an additional 15+ hour time commitment. However, there is flexibility in determining those weeks depending on the student's exams and job recruitment schedule.

Is MCT a student organization?

MCT is an official program in the Marshall School of Business as well as having student leadership.

Can I re-apply?

Yes, we look forward to seeing how students develop throughout their time at USC.